Simple Timeline
Here’s a simple timeline to print out and write on.
Covering 1050-2040.
Add your own notes and pictures above and below the timeline.
Use horizontally or vertically.
Cut along dashed line and stick to the next sheet for one continuous timeline, or print individual pages to cover a shorter period.
This one covers 100 years per A4 sheet.
Turn of the century in the middle – handy for English history from just before the Norman conquest to today.
Download -Â Timeline1050-2040.pdf
Monarchs and family tree Timeline
Covering 1050-2040.
Includes each English Monarch in the form of a family tree.
Add your own notes and pictures below the timeline.
Use horizontally or vertically.
Cut along dashed line and stick to the next sheet for one continuous timeline, or print individual pages to cover a shorter period.
This one covers 100 years per A4 sheet.
Turn of the century in the middle – handy for English history from just before the Norman conquest to today.
Download -Â Monarch timeline 1050-2040.pdf
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