New books

We have just received the last of the books I ordered the other week. We have started to have £5 pounds a month each for me and the girls to […]

We have just received the last of the books I ordered the other week.

We have started to have £5 pounds a month each for me and the girls to spend on educational things – mostly books. After saving up a bit in the kitty we each chose two books to buy (mostly second-hand) and E got an extra with a birthday Amazon voucher.

Some of these books are from our favourite series – Wonderwise, Nature Storybooks and Read and Wonder. E chose two Wonderwise books, T a Nature Storybook and a Read and Wonder, and I chose two books on the Stone Age. Adventures in the Ice Age is from a series we have just discovered in the library and are enjoying.

After years of trying not to buy too many books I am now relaxing a bit. Children’s books have become the focus of my interests  – home educating, reading for fun, blogging, twitter, Amazon listmania etc. I’ve taken up reading publishers catalogues and making reading lists!