Had an exciting and hopeful day at the Houses of Parliament. A big group of families – picnicing, playing, demonstrating and seeing their MPs.
We need to keep up the fight to make sure that every familiy has the right to choose the education that works best for their children. The recommendations would mean that parents would no longer have responbsibility for their children, that the state would be primarily responsible for them!
For the many children removed from school because of special needs, bullying or educational problems there would be NO PROTECTION from the very Local Authorites who have already been shown to be unable to provide a suitable education or protect them whilst at school.
LAs would be able to interview children alone, prevent families from home educating for any reason they like, without any appeal.
LAs already have all the powers they need.
Mass Lobby of Parliament
Posted in: Home education
– October 14, 2009
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